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Bodies of the Nuclear Fund



The supreme body of the National Nuclear Fund is the Board of Governors representing the statutory body. One of the principal duties of the Board of Governors is to assess the applications for provision of financial resources from the National Nuclear Fund. During this process, the attention is paid to purposefulness and effectiveness of the use of the fund’s resources, as well as compliance with the National Programme. The National Policy and the National Programme for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste in the Slovak Republic represent a strategic document for the area of the back-end of peaceful use of nuclear energy in Slovakia, which is elaborated and updated by the Board of Governors in cooperation with entities as prescribed by law.

The Board of Governors meets at least once a month and adopts decisions concerning the management of financial resources of the National Nuclear Fund, strategic and administrative documents, budget and also supporting materials for the financing of the back-end of the  nuclear power engineering and management of nuclear and radioactive materials of unknown origin. Protocols from the Board of Governors meetings are published on the website of the National Nuclear Fund.

Members of the Board of Governors of the National Nuclear Fund:

Ing. Ladislav Éhn

Chairman of the Board of Governors

prof. Ing. Vladimír Slugeň, DrSc.

Vice-chairman of the Board of Governors for Ministry of Finance of the SR

Ing. Juraj Homola

Vice-chairman of the Board of Governors for the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the SR

prof. Ing. Pavol Tanuška, PhD.

Member of the Board of Governors

Ing. Ľubomír Kuchta

Member of the Board of Governors

Ing. Ján Petrovič, PhD.

Member of the Board of Governors

Ing. Juraj Václav, PhD.

Member of the Board of Governors


The Board of Trustees is the supervisory body of the National Nuclear Fund, which supervises the management, purposefulness and effectiveness of the use of financial resources of the Fund as well as compliance with legal procedures concerning this management. The members of the Board of Trustees are appointed pursuant to § 7 of section 4 of the Act No. 308/2018 Coll. on the National Nuclear Fund. The Board of Trustees has five members. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic appointed by the Minister of Finance. Other members of the Board of Trustees are the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy appointed by the Minister of Economy, the Vice-Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (NRA SR) appointed by the Chairperson of the NRA SR, the representative of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic appointed by the Minister of Environment of the Slovak Republic and the representative of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic appointed by the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic.

Members of the Board of Trustees:


Ing. Radovan Majerský, PhD., State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic – Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Ing. et Ing. Filip Kuffa, State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic – Member of the Board of Trustees
Ing. Eduard Metke, CSc., Vice-chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic – Member of the Board of Trustees
Ing. Martina Dubníčková, Department of Public Health, Screening and Prevention, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic – Member of the Board of Trustees


Other bodies of the Nuclear Fund are the Director and the Chief Inspector of the National Nuclear Fund. The Director is the executive body of the Nuclear Fund and is accountable to the Board of the Governors for his activities. He takes part in the meetings of the Board of Governors with an advisory vote. He establishes a group of professional employees in the technical, economic and administrative areas and manages their activities in order to ensure task execution prescribed by the Act on the National Nuclear Fund.

The Chief Inspector is an independent control body of the Nuclear Fund. His principal task is to supervise financial operations related to securing resources as well as provision of financial resources of the Nuclear Fund. The Chief Inspector focuses on economy, effectiveness, efficiency, purposefulness and also eligibility of the management of financial resources of the Nuclear Fund.

Ing. Peter Neštický – Director of the National Nuclear Fund
Ing. Ivan Horváth – Chief Inspector of the National Nuclear Fund