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Accounts and Applications



The National Nuclear Fund creates dedicated sub-accounts and analytical accounts from its resources while considering particular nuclear installations and the purpose for which they will be used. The contributions from operators of nuclear power plants (compulsory contributions) and the contributions from operators of non-reactor nuclear facilities (compulsory payments) are thus held in relevant sub-accounts and analytical accounts together with interests on fixed term deposits in the State Treasury accounts. Other resources, e.g. the levy intended for the coverage of the historical debt, are allocated to individual sub-accounts and analytical accounts according to current needs and in conformity with the purpose for which they may be used. Financial resources from sub-accounts and analytical accounts are provided (when necessary) to finance activities directly related to the dedication of a specific sub-account or analytical account. The structure of dedicated sub-accounts and analytical accounts is as follows:

sub-account a) for decommissioning for nuclear installation in the locality Jaslovské Bohunice in the structure of the following accounts:
Nuclear power plant A1,
Nuclear power plant V1,
Nuclear power plant V2,
sub-account b) for decommissioning of nuclear installations in the locality of Mochovce in the structure of the following analytical accounts:
Nuclear power plant Mochovce 1, 2,
Nuclear power plant Mochovce 3, 4,
sub-account c) for decommissionig of other nuclear installations commissioned after 1. January 2019,
sub-account d) for management of the radioactive and nuclear materials of unknown origin,
sub-account e) for siting, construction, operation and closure of repositories of radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel including related research and development as well as support for public affected by these activities in the structure of the following analytical accounts:
National RAW Repository in the locality of Mochovce,
Deep geological repository,
sub-account f) for institutional control of repositories,
sub-account g) for long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel,
sub-account h) for management of the National Nuclear Fund,
sub-account i) for guarantees for reimbursement of expenditures intended for management of disused high-activity sealed radiation sources,
sub-account j) for decommissioning of non-reactor nuclear facilities and closure of the National Radioactive Waste Repository in the structure of the following analytical accounts:
Technologies for Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Waste including the installations relocated from the nuclear power plant A1,
Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility at the Jaslovské Bohunice site,
Final Treatment Centre for Liquid Radioactive Waste at the Mochovce site,
Integral Storage Facility for Radioactive Waste at the Jaslovské Bohunice site,
National Radioactive Waste Repository at the Mochovce site,
sub-account k) for accumulation of financial resources from penalties and sanctions.


The National Nuclear Fund uses financial resources in compliance with the National Programme for activities connected with decommissioning of the nuclear power plants A1 and V1 in Jaslovské Bohunice. This includes management of waste and decommissioning materials, storage of the spent nuclear fuel from the nuclear power plant V1, activities related to the development of a deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. These resources are further used for the management of radioactive and nuclear materials of unknown origin as well as for the management of the National Nuclear Fund.

Financial resources are provided based upon the applications assessed by the Board of Governors of the National Nuclear Fund, which subsequently approves their amount. The applicant and the application must fulfill all the conditions contained in the Act on the National Nuclear Fund. After approval of the amount of financial resources, a contract is concluded for the relevant budget year.

Podúčet a)

na vyraďovanie jadrových zariadení v lokalite Jaslovské Bohunice v štruktúre týchto analytických účtov:

jadrová elektráreň A1
jadrová elektráreň V1
jadrová elektráreň V2

Podúčet b)

na vyraďovanie jadrových zariadení v lokalite Mochovce v štruktúre týchto analytických účtov:

jadrová elektráreň Mochovce 1, 2
jadrová elektráreň Mochovce 3, 4

Podúčet c)

na vyraďovanie ďalších jadrových zariadení uvedených do prevádzky po 1. januári 2019

podúčet d)

na nakladanie s rádioaktívnymi a jadrovými materiálmi neznámeho pôvodu

podúčet e)

na vyhľadávanie lokalít, výstavbu, prevádzku a uzatváranie úložísk rádioaktívneho odpadu alebo vyhoretého jadrového paliva vrátane súvisiaceho výskumu a vývoja, ako aj podpory dotknutej verejnosti v štruktúre analytických účtov:
Republikové úložisko RAO v lokalite Mochovce
hlbinné úložisko

podúčet f)

na inštitucionálnu kontrolu úložísk

podúčet g)

na dlhodobé skladovanie vyhoretého jadrového paliva v samostatných jadrových zariadeniach

podúčet h)

na správu Národného jadrového fondu a výdavkov s ňou súvisiacich

podúčet i)

na zábezpeky na úhradu výdavkov určených na nakladanie s nepoužívanými vysokoaktívnymi žiaričmi

podúčet j)

na vyraďovanie nereaktorových jadrových zariadení a uzatváranie Republikového úložiska rádioaktívnych odpadov v štruktúre týchto analytických účtov:

Technológie na spracovanie a úpravu rádioaktívnych odpadov vrátane objektov a zariadení sem prevedených z jadrovej elektrárne A1
Medzisklad vyhoretého jadrového paliva prevádzkovaný v lokalite Jaslovské Bohunice
Finálne spracovanie kvapalných rádioaktívnych odpadov prevádzkované v lokalite Mochovce
Integrálny sklad rádioaktívnych odpadov prevádzkovaný v lokalite Jaslovské Bohunice
Republikové úložisko rádioaktívnych odpadov prevádzkované v lokalite Mochovce

podúčet k)

na sústreďovanie finančných prostriedkov z pokút a sankcií